Aena has published the statistics related to the Spanish Airports between January and August 2013. You can find a copy of the spreadsheet here. It shows detail on the traffic evolution at each airport. The file has two tabs at the bottom left corner: one with the figures for the month of August and the other one with overall data between January and August. Each tab shows three tables with detail on passengers, operations and cargo respectively.
It is worth noting that Barcelona is in August, for the first time, the airport leading the ranking for passengers in Spain, after all the summer being about to achieve this.
Moreover, highlights the fact that Alicante broke all its previous records in passengers in August, increasing by 9.4%.
Also, other touristic airports such as Tenerife South, Lanzarote, Málaga, Ibiza and Palma have increased numbers too. This is not the case of some others like Menorca, which traffic evolution was a decrease in August, breaking the upward trend of May and June——or Valencia which is registering, according to, the worst figures in nine years, consolidating the trend which we had anticipated in June. Gran Canaria also lost passengers too, in this case by 4.7%.