Plus Ultra will have its own wholesale company

Plus Ultra EC-MDG by José Luis Celada Euba - flickr

According to an exclusive in Reportur, Plus Ultra will have its own wholesale company Plus Ultra Vacaciones. Plus Ultra had been aiming to start operations in the first quarter of 2015 but has yet been unsuccessful in doing so.

The president of the tour operating company will be Welcoming International, with Victoria González Zuinaga and Francisco Xavier García Fernández in charge. Both have experience in F&G Hotels and real estate development in Spain. Welcoming International will have 40% of the Air Plus Ultra Capital, followed by Peiva Interprovincial with 21%, controlled by Antonio Pérez and Francisco Pérez Vicente. Other important shareholders will be business owner José Carlos de Santiago and the ex director of Air Madrid, Julio Martínez, with 10%. reports that Plus Ultra will start operating this summer, quoting sources from the airline as saying that they will be ready for the high season as they are finishing the last administrative tasks. They have been looking for staff such as pilots and once they have selected their workforce they will impart a training course.

The start of Plus Ultra operations has been announced many times but they are still lacking the Air Operator Certificate (AOC). They do have a plane, however, an Airbus A340. The Plus Ultra marketing director, Rony Nahón, told that the delay is normal, even though it is costing the company millions. He said, “We knew all this before we started. We know it is expensive but the potential for growth of the Madrid airport is tremendous”.

The first destinations for the airline would be La Habana, Buenos Aires, Cartagena or Panama. This would add Plus Ultra to the list of Spanish airlines investing in America.

Photo: Plus Ultra EC-MDG by José Luis Celada Euba – flickr