The Government of the Andalusia Autonomous Region has asked Aena to mediate disputes on the indefinite Swissport strike called by Swissport Spain.Amongst the Spanish Airports operated by Swissport Spain, Málaga, Almería and Jerez correspond to Andalusia.A representative from the Government, Mr Antonio Jesús Roldán, said he wants to avoid the extension in time of the Swissport strike because it is affecting to tourism. Therefore, they will make contact with Aena and Swissport for them “to try and find a solution as soon as possible and an agreement can be reached which allows the stops are called off.” Source:
Category Archives: Handling
The Change of strategy in Iberia Handling and the expansion plan of Air Europa-Globalia
A few weeks before the tender for the handling licenses in Spain starts and the operators can place bids for the ramp handling at the different Spanish airports, informed yesterday that Iberia Handling has radically changed of strategy.In spite of the fact that they said they would place bids for those airports where the profitability was at least 10%, they seem to have changed their minds and will go for as many airports as they can.In other news, published an interesting article about the Air Europa “aggressive” expansion plan to Latin America through the Brazilian airport of Salvador da Bahia. For this purpose, they are…
Handling licenses in Spain
In continuation with the tender for the handling licenses in Spain, please see below the following two pieces of news which might be of your interest:Menzies aims to become one of the 3 main handling operators in SpainEuropa Press informs that Menzies will place bids to become one of the three main handling operators in Spain.They aim to get the ramp handling licences for, at least, one of the 3 groups in which the 24 smaller airports have been spread. Each group would have an overall passenger volume by 3 million and they will be the first invitation to tender. Afterwards, there…
Swissport Spain calls for an indefinite time strike
According to the media, Swissport Spain calls for an indefinite time strike after lack of agreement with Swissport Spain. This strike would be as from 10th August and according to the media would affect to Barcelona, Jerez, Almería, Alicante, Málaga, Fuerteventura, Valencia and Madrid cargo terminal with specific calendars, so we suggest contacting your local staff or agents for further clarify.According to the media, Unions say that Swissport is not complying with the agreed CPI increase and the agreed shifts system. On the other hand, media explain how Swissport Handling (which serves Madrid and Lanzarote airports) reached an agreement with UGT and USO Unions but not with CCOO (the other main union). Source:
Aena to negotiate a decrease in Handling fees by 30%
Following with the public tender for the handling licenses in the Spanish airports, the draft issued by Aena to this respect has warned the Handling companies. Amongst other issues, this draft suggests an average decrease by 30% with regard to the current handling fees.The tender will be carried out in two phases: the first one for the airports with less than one million passengers per year and, the second one, for the airports with over one million passengers per year.Aena had said they would seek “an increase in competition and quality and a decrease in prices”. Now they are negotiating with a…
The Schedules for the stops at Reus airport are confirmed
The Aena employees are finalizing the details of the protests. Last Monday they confirmed to Aena the days for the stops at Reus airport, which will be the following weekends:20-21Jul, 27-28Jul, 3-4Aug and 10-11Aug.The schedules have been fixed as follows: Saturdays from 18:00 to 21:00 LT and Sundays from 20:00 to 23:00 LT.They are expecting today the confirmation of the minimum services.The reasons for calling this strike, approved by a wide margin, are mainly the reduction of the working hours and the elimination of a shift out of five. The committee says that this decision puts 14 jobs in risk….
Swissport Employees call a strike starting 25Jun

According to Expansió Unions have called all Swissport Employees for a strike in Madrid and Lanzarote in protest at working conditions and salaries.Stops at Madrid airport have been scheduled as follows:28Jun, 30Jun and 01Jul: H24 05Jul, 07Jul and 08Jul: from 08:30 to 11:30 and from 18:00 to 21:00.With regard to Lanzarote, stops have been called for:02Jul and 09Jul: from 08:00 to 11:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00.04Jul and 11Jul: from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 23:59 (as it is clarified in EuropaPress).These stops will coincide with the ones called in Swissport Spain—formerly Flightcare—at Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Jerez, Almería, Fuerteventura and ValenciaThe schedule of the strike…
Handling discounts to airlines operating new routes

Handling discounts: The Aena’s General Director, Javier Marín, in a meeting with an information media group (Unidad Editorial), confirmed they are working on the procedures to award the handling services to 43 airports of the net. Among the conditions required by Aena, he explained there will be additional handling discounts to airlines operating new routes.The public tender should be opened sometime between July and December 2013.The airports of Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, Alicante and Palma will have three Handling companies. Then, there will be a second group of 16 airports which will have two Handling operators. The last group will have the other 24 airports, each one used…
Madrid testing the CDM to optimise air traffic

Madrid testing the CDM: Yesterday, Madrid airport started the first operational tests of the A-CDM—Airport Collaborative Decision Making—within this project, promoted by Eurocontrol, which is intended to optimise the air traffic management while punctuality and operational efficiency improve at this airport.Hence, the first DPI message—Departure Planning Information—was sent yesterday from the CDM platform to Eurocontrol. This information allows Eurocontrol to know the situation of each flight in real time, letting them optimise the capacity and, if necessary, apply regulations based on up-to-date information.Airlines and handling agents will have data as much as possible in advance, the planning will be better…