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We currently have 2,514 airport codes in our data base.
In case you noticed some data is wrong, you can update it yourself if you wish. Also, if your search does not give you the results you were expecting, you can add new airports too.
The international airport of the city of Buenos Aires is known as Ezeiza Intl Airport. The IATA code EZE derives from Ezeiza. Nobody uses de name MInistro Pistarini.
Many thanks for your comments Daik!
Everybody can register and update this data base. If you do that and try to update one of these records such us Ezeiza, you will see that the policy of this site says:
<< * The IATA Code must be 3 chars. * The City you type will be linked to Wikipedia in English. If it has a definition there, the name must coincide exactly as it is displayed. Also, it will be used to get the weather forecast via * If the airport has a specific definition in Wikipedia, please type its name as it is displayed there. Otherwise, type the city again. * The country must match with one of the list. Type the start of its name and some suggestions will be displayed. If you can't find the one you are looking for, try... >>
So that’s why we have “Ministro Pistarini International Airport” because that is what Wikipedia has too: