The Schedules for the stops at Reus airport are confirmed

The Aena employees are finalizing the details of the protests. Last Monday they confirmed to Aena the days for the stops at Reus airport, which will be the following weekends:20-21Jul, 27-28Jul, 3-4Aug and 10-11Aug.

The schedules have been fixed as follows: Saturdays from 18:00 to 21:00 LT and Sundays from 20:00 to 23:00 LT.

They are expecting today the confirmation of the minimum services.

The reasons for calling this strike, approved by a wide margin, are mainly the reduction of the working hours and the elimination of a shift out of five. The committee says that this decision puts 14 jobs in risk. They suggest to leave the airport open H24 in order to avoid airport extension surcharges to the airlines.

Aena had already said that nobody would be dismissed because of the airport opening time reduction. They add that there are no flights expected out of these working hours. 

