Union calls off Swissport strike; talks on new Handling agreement to be resumed

Yesterday, the Comisiones Obreras—CC.OO.—union and the handling company reached an agreement to call off the Swissport strike, the longest one in the Spanish aviation history with 73 days long.

CC.OO. explained that negotiations on the Third Handling Collective Agreement will be resumed on 20 November with the aim of working on a “future for the Swissport workers”.

In fact, CC.OO. said they will not accept some of the working conditions they had with the joint ventures where “the lower wages are frozen, the duration of the working day is amongst the longest and over 75% of the employment are temporary jobs”.

Thus, amongst other items it is worth nothing that the current Collective Agreement will be kept while the new agreement is discussed.


Source: EuropaPress.es