Subject to be approved in the Congress at the end of December, the text that defines the incentives in 2014 for passenger’s growth by routes in the Aena airports, has been published in the SenateBelow you can find a short summary for your better understanding, followed by our free translation from the amendment to the Budget published by the Senate:Three conditions must be met for an airline to be entitled to obtaining the incentive. That airline must increase passengers with regard to 2013 in: A particular route and The Aena’s airport of origin of this particular route as a whole and The Aena’s…
By Jorge Masot - 23 February, 2015
According to the information published in several...
By Jorge Masot - 10 December, 2013
As anticipated in this blog Aena published the...
By Mabel Jiménez - 17 August, 2017
After the completion of Aena’s Consultation...
By Mabel Jiménez - 15 March, 2017
According to El Diario, the Spanish Minister of...
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