According to the media, both Ryanair and Easyjet lost passengers in Spain last June. If we compare June 2012 with June 2013, Ryanair has lost a 10% and Easyjet a 15%. On the other hand Vueling Airlines has increased passengers by 17% in the same period and they moved a 33% more than the total passenguers Iberia Airlines and Iberia Express moved, which in fact was a 26% less than last June 2012.Other airlines with huge passenger increases in June were: Air Europa (+11.8%), Lufthansa (+10%), and Air Berlin (+9%)In spite of their decrease, Ryanair was the airline with more passengers in Spain (3.3 million), followed byVueling Airlines (2.3 million), Iberia Airlines and Iberia Express (1.7 million), Air Europa (1.2 million), Easyjetand Air Berlin (1.1 milion each of them).
Monthly Archives: July 2013
Aena to sell Aena Aeropuertos by 51% after buying Luton Airport
Today, we are translating this piece of news that published yesterday. We believe this may help to follow the current situation in the privatisation of Aena Aeropuertos: Sources from Aena have confirmed they are about to reach an agreement with Abertis in order to disinvest from twenty international airports that they own and manage through TBI. They intend to get rid of all but Luton Airport. All the shares from TBI—currently Abertis (90%) and Aena (10%)—would go to the public company, with the financial support from the insurance company AXA. Experts from the airport industry have assured that the acquisition of Luton by Aena…
Alicante-Elche is now the official name for the airport

As we had already anticipated, Alicante has now officially changed names to become Alicante-Elche.This became official as soon as it was published in the Spanish Official Gazette on the 12th of July. For further information you can download the document here.If you check the link to Wikipedia from our airport data base, you will notice the information there is already updated. However, they are keeping “Alicante Airport” as the name despite referring to the airport as Alicante-Elche in the body of the definition. Our Airport Name Policy requires the same name as the one displayed in Wikipedia and that is why we are keeping ”Alicante Airport” in…
Four out of the ten most profitable Spanish airports are in the Canaries
After the huge investment during the last years in the Spanish airport net there are three terminals which are closed, four have no scheduled flights and other twelve which hardly have planes.Out of the 42 airports managed by Aena, only 10 are profitable and 4 out of them are in the Canaries. Tenerife South is leading this profitable airport list. The most updated information from the Ministry of Public Works (Fomento) is of 2011 when Tenerife South got a profit for 24.98 million euros, Gran Canaria obtained 22.93 million and Lanzarote 8.67 million. Fuerteventura finished that year with a balance for 1.21 million euros. In the contrary, La Palma lost…
Aena to negotiate a decrease in Handling fees by 30%
Following with the public tender for the handling licenses in the Spanish airports, the draft issued by Aena to this respect has warned the Handling companies. Amongst other issues, this draft suggests an average decrease by 30% with regard to the current handling fees.The tender will be carried out in two phases: the first one for the airports with less than one million passengers per year and, the second one, for the airports with over one million passengers per year.Aena had said they would seek “an increase in competition and quality and a decrease in prices”. Now they are negotiating with a…
Spanish operator Goodfly to start Murcia-Tenerife
The Spanish operator Goodfly: According to the “airline” Good Fly has announced they will start the route Murcia-Tenerife in September, to be operated twice a week. Being a Spanish operator, they are not an airline thought.Many Spanish media reffer to Goodfly as an airline, however it is not registered as a proper airline with the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority, either as “Category A” or “Category B” (the latter category includes airlines allowed to operate only aircrafts lighter than 10 tones and/or with less than 20 seats). That is why Goodfly is not displayed in our airline data base.Checking the reference from Wikipedia in…
Spanish Airports double Russian passenger numbers

995,000 Russian passengers used the Spanish airports in 2008. In 2012 these numbers were doubled to reach 2.1 million.The main increase has taken place in Barcelona where they tripled passengers figures to get 1.2 million in 2012. Madrid increased these passengers by 24% in the last 5 years.Tenrife South had over 173,300 passengers from the Russian Federation in 2012. This is 74.8% over the figures of 2008.In Palma, this kind of traffic multiplied by over 3 to reach 163,000 passengers in 2012.Málaga got 92,106 travellers, increasing by 70.2%.The number of flights has increased by nearly 80% in the same period,…
Traffic evolution in Madrid and Barcelona
As anticipated in this blog Barcelona has been about to receive the same number of passengers as Madrid during the month of June. Contrary to what PeriodistaDigital expected and in line with the estimations calculated with our airport stat tool, Madrid would have still had 45,842 passengers more than Barcelona (42,817 if we consider commercial traffic).To this respect, explains that the Aena estimations for Madrid at the end of the year are 40 million passengers and for Barcelona, 35 million. However, during the month of June Madrid lost passengers by 14.9% and Barcelona gained traffic by 2.7%.For further information, this is the breakdown on Madrid…
Traffic evolution in the Spanish Airports

Balearic Islands:Palma airport: As explained by Aena it has reached the highest amount of passengers for a month of Jun in its history: 2,956,506 people. This means an increase by 1.3% with regard to June 2012.As for January-June 2013, Palma has increased passengers by 0.8% reaching the amount of 9,284,504.It is worth mentioning the increase of traffic from the Russian Federation (26%), from Sweden (10.9%), from Norway (8.4%), from the UK (5.9%) and from Germany (8.3%).Ibiza airport: Aena informed that has also reached historic figures for the month of June, with 852,031 people. This supposes an increase by 6.8% against June 2012.January-June 2013 confirm an increase…
Clarification on the airport fees in the Canaries
Please see below our translation from the press release published by Aena yesterday to clarify some doubts on the airport fees in the Canaries: Due to the amount of confusing information published in the media, which has led in some cases to wrong interpretations, Aena would like to clarify the following: The bonus applied to the passengers connecting flights affects to all the Spanish airports, including the Canary ones. This bonus will be increased gradually from the current 20%, becoming 30% in 2014, 35% in 2015 and 40% in 2016 and following. This bonus has nothing to do with the…